A tilemap editor which you can run from anywhere (adopts to smartphone screens too). Since it is a progressive web app,you can even install it and run it when you are offline.

If you want to install it, go to its host page at:



- Multiple tileset support

- Multiple tilemap support

- Multi-tile selection and painting (drag select multiple tiles from the tileset)

- Tileset meta-data editing (Assign tags to tiles, automatic assignment of symbols to tiles)

- Tilemap layers (as many as you like)

- Export boilerplate code for kaboomjs https://kaboomjs.com/ (wip)

- Customizable export data

- Resizable tilemap - non destructive too

- Paint tool, Pan tool, eraser tool, Bucket fill tool, Random tile tool, Pick tile tool

- Responsive interface (scales down to portrait mode on mobile)

- Tiny footprint 

- Easy I/O api that lets you transform and save data with ease


- Export data feature

- Undo/redo system

- Paint tool modes (line, square, circle,etc)

- tiled i/o

You can read more about it at:


If you like the project, please consider donating to it here on itch, or at the project page

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Tags2D, level, Level Editor, maps, mobile, pwa, tiled, Tilemap, Tileset, web


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(1 edit)

hey this is great - its not easy to find an online tilesetter that actually works. and open source too, heck the hell yes

i used this to make a mockup image for a free tileset, thanks again


Nice! Thanks for sharing

Great tool and easy to hack thanks to your simple code, much appreciated!

thank you :) I am thinking of simplifying the codebase further. It was put together fairly quickly

When I click Extract Tileset from Tile Map it opens a blank new window and doesn't seem to do anything else :/

(2 edits)

Do you actually have a tilemap when you do that action? 

You will get a blank screen if you havent actually put any tiles on the map. You need to make a map first!

Can you share a gif/video?

can you raise this as a ticket here please


I think that was the problem. I was trying to use this as a way to turn a tilemap I already made into a tileset so I uploaded the tilemap as a PNG

Maybe the feature needs to be expanded to make ripping tilesets happen in more than one way 🤔

That would be really useful. My normal app for that stopped working so I'm looking

When I use the scroll wheel to enlarge the map on the right, the tiles on the left compensate, no problem with that. Now I can't see all the tiles anymore...the size of the box the tiles are in is fixed... I get a scroll bar to view the rest of the tiles while the map is enlarged, but this isn't really that helpful... Is there a way to change the length and width of the box the tiles are in while the map is zoomed in, so I can always see ALL the tiles no matter what size the map is?

can you raise this as a ticket here please


Fantastic tool!!

Looks cool :0

Thank you for this! I'm going to try it out on my iPad - for months I've been looking for a tileset editor I can use on it!


Hey no problem :) its still rough around the edges but I am working on improving it. The main priority is to now let it export tiled format even if in a limited way

That would be huge! I just donated to this tool. Do you have a roadmap? How can I best get feedback to you?


I guess the best place would be the github tracker. You can open a ticket at the issues if you find a bug or have a feature request. If you want to directly contribute with code you can also fork it and make a pr. Its open source so its truely yours :) 

If you have made a demo map, you can save it as a json file and upload that to gist. Demo maps and screenshots can also help promote the software to more users too. 

I am  very thankful to everyone who brought it here on itch. It motivates me to pick it up more often and push it further :3 Thank you ❤ 

I love this game


Thank you :) its an editor not a game though. You can make a game with it 

Still i love it